IMPACT: How does the world IMPACT us? How do we IMPACT the world?
The environment, climate change, and preservation of our natural resources feature predominantly in the news media. This is something that concerns us too. IMPACT is an effective resource engage young people in activities and discussions about the environment, sustainability, global and local issues, and their unique purpose.
Interactive sessions are pre-planned and feature clear learning outcomes. IMPACT is made up of 40 sessions, divided into 4 topics; Global Citizens, Sustainability, Global Issues, and Purpose. Each topic has a workbook for participants that can be used to reflect on their learning. You can run IMPACT as a year-long programme or work through each topic as a standalone 10 week programme.
But We’re Not Lions!
The animals were mighty and magnificent, but they were miserable! For way too long, they’d been forced to become something that didn’t feel right – something that felt too much like bad days and scratchy things. The animals needed a hero – or someone to show them that a hero was in each of them all along.
‘But We’re Not Lions’ is a book about social resilience. It will help children understand the importance of boundaries, how to manage peer-pressure, and how to nurture the courage and power that comes with self-acceptance. Most importantly, it is a reminder for all kids that the very best thing about them, is them.
Hey Warrior
A book for kids about anxiety. Kids can do amazing things with the right information. Understanding why anxiety feels the way it does and where the physical symptoms come from is a powerful step in turning anxiety around. Anxiety explained, kids empowered.
For ages 5-12 (and up).
Hey Awesome
If kids with anxiety could see themselves the way we see them, they would feel so much bigger than their anxiety. They would feel so much bigger than everything. ‘Hey Awesome’ explains how the same brain that can make them feel anxious sometimes, also comes with amazing strengths. It also includes powerful tips for children on how they can manage their anxiety. First we let them know how awesome they are, then we give them what they need to feel it for themselves.
There's a Happy MOON in my side
“One morning, when Lucy woke up, there was a Happy Moon in her side.”
This begins Lucy’s journey with her Happy Moon. She discovers the moon is a best-friend-kind-of-moon who helps her in fun times and the difficult times. The Happy Moon understands what she is feeling, helps her to see things differently, and suggests useful actions to take.
You, too, can discover your own Happy Moon. As you read this book all will be revealed.
Also included are tools for parents, carers, and educators to help your child’s Happy Moon shine, and grow their wellbeing and resilience.
Ages 7+