What’s at the Heart of E Tū Tāngata?

Watch the video, read about the E Tū Tāngata Principles and get empowered to become a Culture Shifter.

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To take the first step towards transformation

A person must understand and believe that you have value (ME). This flows on to understanding the worth of others and identifying how, collectively, a classroom, workplace or community can succeed together (WE).

Finally, an individual understands what it means to be a part of something bigger than themselves. This involves looking outside of their classroom, workplace or community and recognising that others matter (OTHERS). This inspires the question: how can we E Tū Tāngata throughout the wider community?

THE E Tū TāNGATA Framework


This resource has been developed as an interactive activity, encouraging conversations throughout classrooms, workplaces, families and wider communities. The resource helps to develop a personal understanding of how we can value one another and how an individual’s value can contribute to the success of those around them.

Three main questions are asked through the process, these being:

  1. What reminds you that you have value?

  2. How can we succeed together?

  3. What can you do to show others they matter?

The resource has intentionally been developed to allow freedom of use, letting facilitators pick it up and run with it in whatever context and method they see appropriate for the group.


Every school, business, family and organisation have underlying values or core beliefs that are foundational to how that group or community function.

E Tū Tāngata has been developed to support and plug into your current values, strengthening what is already established and creating a culture shift that starts with the individual and then traverses through to the wider group.


E Tū Tāngata is an initiative developed to encourage personal reflection, group work and community contribution by focusing on three core principles:

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